Wszystkie artykuły

Java Spring Spring boot

Spring Boot – more advanced (auto)configuration

In our first tutorial we showed you how to move your existing application (or set up new one) with Spring Boot. In this tutorial we want to […]
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Quality Assurance

Testowanie REST API z Serenity i Rest-assured

Rest-assured to framework w Javie służący do testowania i walidacji REST API. Serenity to framework do automatycznego testowania akceptacyjnego oparty na BDD (Behavior Driven Development). […]
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Tools Linux GIT

GIT – under the hood

Most of us use git as a version control tool and it isn’t a surprise. It’s very useful but it has one drawback – we […]
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Introduction to React hooks

React 16.8 introduced some new functionalities, one of which is _Hooks_. What are these? _Hooks_ are functions provided by React that let us hook into […]
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Understanding Gradle

The daily struggle of managing, modifying and extending build configuration of complex software systems can lead to the necessity of writing complex command line scripts […]
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Simple Observable-based Store in Angular

Since Flux and Redux gained popularity, the approach to front-end architecture has changed drastically. The idea of a store with global application state, unidirectional data […]
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Java Spring Spring boot

Spring Boot – just run your application

Spring Boot is an framework, based on top of Spring Framework, to build Java applications as fast as snapping fingers. It provides things such as […]
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Java Querydsl

A Quick introduction to Querydsl compared to JPA 2 Criteria Api

Querydsl is a Java open-source project that supports statically typed queries. It provides a typesafe querying layer on top of JPA, JDO, JDBC and other […]
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Iść w mikrousługi czy nie, oto jest pytanie

Systemy rozproszone funkcjonują już w świecie od jakiegoś czasu. Założenie tworzenia aplikacji na dużą skalę i o dużej dostępności jest z nami od lat 70-tych. […]
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Quality Assurance

Improve your tests and codebase by „Mutation Testing” – part 2

In the previous article I presented the main idea of Mutation Testing. In order to better understand this concept, so far, my reflections covered only […]
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