Wszystkie artykuły
How to use monads in Java
Java is not a functional programming language. Despite the fact that Java 8 came with some elements from functional world, there is still no way […]
Phone Authorization with Firebase and Ionic
Demand for web and mobile applications is still increasing. Developers nowadays don’t build whole systems from scratch since it’s time and cost consuming. With rise […]
Test Automation with Python
Python code just like in any other language requires testing. Unittest is a python framework dedicated for it. It has origins in Junit in terms […]
Dealing with Java Exceptions in a functional way
You may have heard that checked exceptions in Java are evil. Some people even say that they are Java’s biggest mistake. There is a lot […]
Lepsze planowanie i szacowanie
Istnieją niezliczone przypadki, gdzie słabe decyzje oparte na błędnych szacunkach prowadzą do poważnych opóźnień w rozwoju produktu. Zarówno w przypadku planowania na wysokim (długofalowe funkcje) […]
Tworzenie wykonalnego jar’a z testami Cucumber
W zależności od tego, jak wygląda proces integracji ciągłej i testowanie regresji w projekcie, może zaistnieć potrzeba wielokrotnego uruchamiania tych samych testów – bez wprowadzania […]
Blocking vs non-blocking http servers performance
In this article, I’d like to take a look at the performance and the scalability of both blocking and non-blocking HTTP servers. I’ll compare average […]
Why do you need to care about IT security?
Over the past few years we have seen a surge in IT security incidents. Major data breaches at companies like Target, Equifax, and Facebook, Distributed […]
Python meets microservice – useful tips based on experience
It is impossible nowadays to not hear about microservices. It’s so “buzzy” word that everyone is talking, writing and thinking about it – either developers […]
Testowanie REST API z użyciem Spock – Wprowadzenie do Frameworka Spock
W tym artykule chciałbym pokazać, jak przetestować API za pomocą frameworka Spock. Spock to framework testowy dla aplikacji Java i Groovy. Rozszerza on narzędzie JUnit […]