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Android Architecture Components

We all in principle try to perfect our app. Choosing best architecture and frameworks, meticulously planning classes and utilizing design patterns to make best of […]
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Python Good Practices Part 3 – Writing faster code

There are many ways to write code in order to achieve same results. This article will show you how different approaches affect the code execution […]
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Modern, Clean and scalable CSS

Maintaining large-scale CSS codebase is a demanding task. In the era of complex component systems and unspecified requirements, this gets even harder – what solves […]
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Quality Assurance

Tips & tricks learned during years of using Jenkins

I would like to share with you some useful ways of working with Jenkins, as well as methods of coping with various issues that I […]
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Introduction to three-dimensional Javascript with three.js

If you are already familiar with Javascript and look into the direction of a world of 3D, three.js is a way to go – it […]
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Python Good Practices Part 2 – Writing Pythonic code

While reading top-shelf Python books, you probably might have bumped into the sentence „be pythonic”. But what exactly does it mean and how to use […]
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Java Mockito

Advanced mocking with Mockito

Purpose of unit tests is to test small chunks of code independently, in separation from any dependencies. In many cases to keep this kind of […]
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Machine Learning

Uczenie maszynowe – co trzeba wiedzieć?

Obecnie uczenie maszynowe z powodzeniem stosuje się bardzo powszechnie. Chociaż nam zdaje się, że komputery coś wiedzą, nie jest to prawda – one nie wiedzą, […]
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Backend Front-end Microservices

gRPC over HTTP/2 or: How I learned to stop depending on REST and love gRPC

In today buzzword-oriented world, you don’t spend all of your precious time following all of the latest technologies. When creating APIs, you rarely think twice […]
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Python Good Practices: Part 1 – Python constructs

Python has many powerful and useful constructs. Depending on their design, they help us to write code safer, more readable, often faster and with lower […]
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