Wszystkie artykuły

Functional Programming

Why I love Clojure?

Clojure language as one of the modern Lisp’s dialects was carefully designed with concurrency in mind. It enables you to communicate between many machines seamlessly. […]
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Java Microservices

The Microservices Architecture

The microservices architecture is definitely one of such trendy solutions that is widely considered, especially in new projects. Is it worth trying and what kind […]
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Mobile Front-end

TypeScript – dlaczego warto go znać?

Wstęp Tworzenie dużych aplikacji webowych napisanych JavaScriptem to nie taka prosta rzecz. Nie mamy do dyspozycji typów, interfejsów, enumów itp. Te funkcje mogłyby być bardzo […]
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Mobile Design Patterns Functional Programming

Creating a lazily-evaluated builder-like API in Java 8 using the extended Step Builder pattern

Introduction The Builder design pattern is known and used widely. To begin with, it was created to provide a way to create new objects. Using […]
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Blockchain i kryptowaluty

Czym jesteś, Blockchainie?

Zaktualizowaliśmy ten tekst dla Ciebie!Data aktualizacji: 31.12.2024Autor aktualizacji: Tadeusz Sławik Blockchain stał się popularnym hasłem często kojarzonym z kryptowalutami, ale kryje się za nim znacznie […]
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Time to refactor with C++17

In the following article I will present some examples of novelties for C++17, which can make your code more readable, faster and your life much easier. […]
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Agile Microservices

Agile way towards microservices

What if you know that you will need a microservice architecture, but you do not know how to divide your business requirements into small, independent […]
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Configuring Spring in Stand-Alone Apps

Here’s a quick lesson in bringing Spring Configuration classes and functionality to your own stand-alone apps in the event you need them. Spring is a […]
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Java Quality Assurance

Building Selenium framework in java (part III) – how do you fit Cucumber in there

In this article let me explain how I think Cucumber fits Selenium based test framework written in java. Introduction Honestly, until recently, I thought that […]
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Mobile Front-end Design Patterns

Publish/Subscribe model in JavaScript

Let’s figure out how we can use Observer pattern to build a very basic implementation of Events with public/subscribe methods based on usage of Ionic […]
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