Wszystkie artykuły
Heroku: dodatki, logi i monitorowanie
We wcześniejszym artykule wprowadziłem Was w podstawy Heroku oraz wdrożyłem aplikację opartą na spring boot. W drugiej części zademonstruję, jak dodać obsługiwanie baz danych. Poruszymy […]
Erlang/OTP vs JVM – a quick comparison
Introduction There is a high need for a concurrent processing and most probably it will become only higher. That is why it is important to […]
Popular EIP Frameworks comparison
Introduction Enterprise Integration Patterns solves problems of enterprise application integration and message-oriented middleware. I recommend the book by Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf where authors catalogued the […]
How to quickly write an application to load thousands of records into DB using Spring Batch?
Let’s assume we want to measure air pollution in our city. We’ve got around 100 detectors located in different parts of the town. Measurement results are collected every 15 minutes.
MongoDB document oriented database | introduction
We live in the world where we are bombarded with huge amount of information, news and advertising. Computer network becomes the central place of business. For this reason databases become fatter and fatter.
Creating game for android using JavaScript #5 | Converting JavaScript applications to Android application
Now, when we have fully working HTML 5 game, we want to convert it to mobile version.
Mapping JPA in Your Database With the Time API
Many times, we encounter the need to store date and time in our database. Throughout application development, we need to make CRUD operations on that stored data.
Creating game for android using JavaScript #4 | Sounds, Web Audio Api
It would be hard to imagine a game without a sound. Fortunately there is powerful Web Audio Api that will help us to include sound to our game.
Creating game for Android using JavaScript #3 | Events and gameplay
It’s time to make our game playable. What we need to do, is to give our hero little boost after clicking or touching the screen
Creating game for android using JavaScript #2 | Drawing game objects
Few years ago, when Android had taken lead of the mobile market, I had decided to create game and become a millionaire as a “thousands” […]