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Retrofit is a Java library created for the sole purpose of calling REST API easily. As will be shown below, we are basically going to […]
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Creating a custom hook!

In this article, you will see, how to use that knowledge to convert class component, which gets data from JSONPlaceholder into functional component based on hooks. Then […]
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Tests Groovy

Introduction to Groovy Scripting in SoapUI

SoapUI is a tool for web service testing. With SoapUI you are able to mock, inspect and develop code. Groovy is a programming language which is compatible with […]
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Zapanuj nad swoim plikiem pom.xml

Mechanizm zależności jest kluczową cechą Maven. Daje on dużą elastyczność. Dzięki Wersji 2.0 i wprowadzeniu Transitive Dependencies (Zależności Tranzytywne) zarządzanie zależnościami stało się prostsze. Mimo […]
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Python DB

Flask-RESTful z SQLAlchemy

W poprzednim artykule stworzyliśmy API do zarządzania zużyciem paliwa, które używało słownika jako bazy danych. Największą wadą tego rozwiązania był brak trwałości danych. Aby nasza […]
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Best Practices in API Design

How to design a good API is a question that comes from many teams that try to create perfect REST API. This article shows briefly […]
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Front-end Microservices

A streaming layout service for front-end microservices

Tailor is a layout service created by the Zalando team as a part of Project Mosaic which provides a set of libraries that allow frontend developers to […]
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Tools Front-end React

Quick look at Preact

As the growing advancement of web technologies, client web applications aim to provide user experience to as close as possible to the native applications (see […]
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Java Machine Learning Maven RabbitMQ

Mini Project RabbitMQ and Java – part 2

In the previous article, I presented RabbitMQ installation and environment preparation in the second part I will show how to send and consume messages from queues. […]
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Git rebase vs merge – is there any difference?

In this article we want to have a look at two common git command – git rebase and git merge. We will see how these […]
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