Wszystkie artykuły

InfluxDB as a metrics solution
Monitoring DB

InfluxDB jako rozwiązanie dla metryk

Zaktualizowaliśmy ten tekst dla Ciebie!Data aktualizacji: 30.12.2024Autor aktualizacji: Maciej Jankosz Istnieje wiele narzędzi do przechowywania i analizy metryk. Dziś chciałbym przedstawić InfluxDB – rozwiązanie, które […]
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Java Spring Maven Gradle JPA

Introduction to Spring Data JPA

Spring Data JPA is a project from large Spring family. It helps to reduce the amount of code by easy implementation of JPA (Java Persistence […]
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Java Machine Learning Maven RabbitMQ

Mini Project RabbitMQ and Java – part 1

RabbitMQ is a message-queueing software also known as a message broker or queue manager. In simple words, it is software where queues are defined, to […]
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Front-end React React hook

UseEffect hook

If you want to fully switch from classes to functional components with hooks, you need to not only get the knowledge about handling state within […]
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Microservices JVM Mictonaut

Introduction to Micronaut

It’s hard to say and calculate how many phones and computers are currently connected to the internet, considering the IoT devices that number is probably […]
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Java Spring Spring boot

Spring Boot Actuator

One of the Spring Boot project is Spring Boot Actuator. This starter brings you production-ready features to help you monitor, gathering metrics, understanding traffic or […]
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Flask-RESTful – How to quickly build API

REST architecture is currently very widely used. There are many frameworks which allows developer to easily build REST api. Flask is a micro-framework which provides […]
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Jak używać i jak nie używać klasy Optional w Javie

Jak używać i jak nie używać klasy Optional w Javie?

Zaktualizowaliśmy ten tekst dla Ciebie!Data aktualizacji: 30.12.2024Autor aktualizacji: Kamil Drabik Jeśli masz dość sprawdzania obiektów pod kątem wartości null i chcesz uczynić swój kod bardziej […]
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Java Mobile

Thunkable fun with a drag-and-drop app builder

Are you programmer?Do you need no-code tool?Probably your answer is **no**. Sometimes you need a fast app prototype and sometimes a non-technical person asks you […]
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Front-end Angular

Storybook for Angular – creating components library

Imagine a situation where you have a big monolith project and there’s a need to separate re-usable components throughout application or you’re starting a microfrontend […]
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