Python - Articles

Talking with OpenAI GPT about J-labs with the help of LangChain
This article presents a guide to building a chat-bot based on OpenAI's GPT model with real-time access to a customizable knowledge base, using the LangChain library.

Mastering Performance Testing with Locust: A Practical Guide
This article provides a comprehensive overview of using Locust, a powerful open-source load testing tool. The article covers the basics of setting up Locust, creating and running a load test, and analyzing the results. It also includes a real-world example of testing an e-commerce website. The guide is designed for technical audiences, with Python-based scripting examples provided for each step. By the end of the article, readers will have a solid understanding of how to leverage Locust for their performance testing needs, ensuring their applications can handle real-world loads.
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