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Mastering Performance Testing with Locust: A Practical Guide

This article provides a comprehensive overview of using Locust, a powerful open-source load testing tool. The article covers the basics of setting up Locust, creating and running a load test, and analyzing the results. It also includes a real-world example of testing an e-commerce website. The guide is designed for technical audiences, with Python-based scripting examples provided for each step. By the end of the article, readers will have a solid understanding of how to leverage Locust for their performance testing needs, ensuring their applications can handle real-world loads.
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Elasticsearch in Java projects – index and read documents

Nowadays market puts a huge demand for projects on efficient searching and analyzing capabilities of the big volume data. The answer on this is using […]
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IaC Terraform DevOps

Introduction to Terraform

IaC is a key attribute of enabling best practices in DevOps. Developers can be more involved in defining configuration because they can do it the […]
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Clean and organize your pom.xml

Dependency mechanism is a core feature of Maven and is very powerful and flexible. And because of Transitive Dependencies included in version 2.0 dependency management […]
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Python DB

Flask-RESTful with SQLAlchemy

In the previous article, we’ve created a Fuel Consumption Api which uses dictionary as a database. The biggest disadvantage of this solution is lack of data […]
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InfluxDB as a metrics solution
DB Monitoring

InfluxDB as a metrics solution

We have updated this text for you!Update date: 30.12.2024Author of the update: Maciej Jankosz There are plenty of tools for metrics storage and analysis. Today […]
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Jak używać i jak nie używać klasy Optional w Javie

How to use and how not to use Optional in Java

We have updated this text for you!Update date: 30.12.2024Author of the update: Kamil Drabik If you are bored by null checking objects and want to […]
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Quality Assurance

Testing REST API with Serenity and Rest-assured

Rest-assured is a Java framework for testing and validating REST APIs. Serenity is an automated BDD(Behaviour driven development) acceptance testing framework. Rest-assured combined with Serenity […]
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To microservice or not to microservice

Distributed systems have been around for a while. Since like 1970s we’ve been building applications with large scale in mind, and large availability. We went […]
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Better planning and estimating

There are countless cases where major delays in product development are caused by poor estimation-related decisions. When it comes to both, high-level (long term features) […]
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