Backend - Artykuły

Twoja pierwsza aplikacja Quarkus
Pisanie pierwszej aplikacji w Quarkusie może być wyzwaniem, ponieważ zapoznanie się z nowymi bibliotekami, a tym samym zmiana nawyków, może sprawić, że poczujesz się zagubiony […]

Elasticsearch in Java projects – aggregations
This article, in contrary to previous ones, is not dedicated to search. It presents another powerful aspect of the Elasticsearch – Aggregations, that let users […]

Features in Java 15
Java 15 is the latest release. It was released in September 2020, several new features were added. The next LTS release – Java 17 is […]

gRPC over HTTP/2 or: How I learned to stop depending on REST and love gRPC
In today buzzword-oriented world, you don’t spend all of your precious time following all of the latest technologies. When creating APIs, you rarely think twice […]
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