Java - Artykuły

Java Quality Assurance Front-end Design Patterns

Building Selenium framework in java (part IV) – answer job interview questions like a pro

In my opinion, Software Developer in Test job interviews are one of the most demanding interviews in IT market. How come? Introduction It happens from time […]
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Java Quality Assurance

JUnit 5: Preview of new possibilities

Introduction JUnit 5 comes with a bunch of new features. In this article I will briefly describe most of them. It is a continuation of […]
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Cloud Java

Cloud Computing with Amazon Web Services

Nowadays cloud computing is really common depending on the services that we would like to use, from frequently utilized software applications to development environments, virtual […]
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Cloud Java

Deploying spring boot application on Heroku cloud platform

Heroku is a cloud-based application platform and in this two-part article I will show you how, step by step, deploy Spring Boot application there. Intro […]
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Java Quality Assurance

Building Selenium framework in java (part II) – do it right for the first time

Introduction In this article I would like to share with you how I build new end to end testing solutions for web projects. I’ll try […]
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Java Quality Assurance

JUnit 5: Szybki poradnik na start

JUnit to świetny framework do testowania jednostkowego w języku programowania Java. Jednakże czwarta wersja tego frameworka ma kilka niedociągnięć, takich jak problem z wieloma narzędziami […]
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Java Microservices

The Microservices Architecture

The microservices architecture is definitely one of such trendy solutions that is widely considered, especially in new projects. Is it worth trying and what kind […]
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Java Quality Assurance

Building Selenium framework in java (part III) – how do you fit Cucumber in there

In this article let me explain how I think Cucumber fits Selenium based test framework written in java. Introduction Honestly, until recently, I thought that […]
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Cloud Java Databases

Heroku: dodatki, logi i monitorowanie

We wcześniejszym artykule wprowadziłem Was w podstawy Heroku oraz wdrożyłem aplikację opartą na spring boot. W drugiej części zademonstruję, jak dodać obsługiwanie baz danych. Poruszymy […]
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Java Mobile Design Patterns

Popular EIP Frameworks comparison

Introduction Enterprise Integration Patterns solves problems of enterprise application integration and message-oriented middleware. I recommend the book by Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf where authors catalogued the […]
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