Java - Artykuły
Spring Boot and Angular 2 #1
In this article I would like to show you how to create simple application with Spring Boot on server side and Angular 2 at a front-end. It is very good combination, proper for many types of projects.
Spock vs Junit with Mockito
Spock and JUnit are frameworks for unit testing of Java applications. Mockito is a well – known and stable library of mocking extensions for JUnit to write tests in Java language.
JSQL – easy way to test & maintain your SQL in Java
JSQL Parser is open source library developed under dual license: LGPL V2.1 and Apache Software License. Main responsibility of the framework is parsing of SQL […]
Deep Equality in C# for Unit Testing
This article presents a short overview of methods of deep comparison between objects in Unit Tests.
Given-When-Then pattern in unit tests
We can say that it is a style/template how we can describe some functionality (system behavior) in more readable and natural for human way.