Quality Assurance - Artykuły

Creating test data with WireMock
Testing end to end of complex systems is often complicated by stability problems. Testers are involved in the development process from the very beginning when […]

UI Test automation design framework with Selenium
In this article I will show you design approaches to improve readability and maintanability of your selenium framework. If your page objects are too big […]

Testowanie REST API z Serenity i Rest-assured
Rest-assured to framework w Javie służący do testowania i walidacji REST API. Serenity to framework do automatycznego testowania akceptacyjnego oparty na BDD (Behavior Driven Development). […]

Improve your tests and codebase by „Mutation Testing” – part 2
In the previous article I presented the main idea of Mutation Testing. In order to better understand this concept, so far, my reflections covered only […]

Improve your tests and codebase by „Mutation Testing” – part 1
All experienced developers have a good understanding of how significant for the quality of the product is a source code covered by high quality test […]

Testing Spring Boot Application secured with JSON Web Tokens using REST-assured library
REST-assured is a very well crafted library making test effort a lot simpler and more efficient. Combined with Spring Boot, gradle and TestNG, it allows […]

Interaction with TeamCity using service messages and REST api
This article treats about interactions with TeamCity – about controlling its flow or getting useful information. All interaction examples will in form of python snippets […]

Custom formatters in Cucumber
I’ve been working with cucumber-java test framework for some time now and I must admit, I really like what is possible to achieve by using […]

Test Automation with Python
Python code just like in any other language requires testing. Unittest is a python framework dedicated for it. It has origins in Junit in terms […]

Tworzenie wykonalnego jar’a z testami Cucumber
W zależności od tego, jak wygląda proces integracji ciągłej i testowanie regresji w projekcie, może zaistnieć potrzeba wielokrotnego uruchamiania tych samych testów – bez wprowadzania […]
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