Quality Assurance - Artykuły
JUnit 5: Preview of new possibilities
Introduction JUnit 5 comes with a bunch of new features. In this article I will briefly describe most of them. It is a continuation of […]
Building Selenium framework in java (part II) – do it right for the first time
Introduction In this article I would like to share with you how I build new end to end testing solutions for web projects. I’ll try […]
JUnit 5: Szybki poradnik na start
JUnit to świetny framework do testowania jednostkowego w języku programowania Java. Jednakże czwarta wersja tego frameworka ma kilka niedociągnięć, takich jak problem z wieloma narzędziami […]
Building Selenium framework in java (part I) – what should you know before you start
Introduction Nowadays test automation is an integral part of software development process. I decided to create series of blog entries, which will describe how to […]
Performance of modern JavaScript frameworks
Lots of developers when start building yet another JavaScript application do not think about important thing which is the web application performance. Let’s cover this significant aspect of software […]
Building Selenium framework in java (part III) – how do you fit Cucumber in there
In this article let me explain how I think Cucumber fits Selenium based test framework written in java. Introduction Honestly, until recently, I thought that […]
Spock vs Junit with Mockito
Spock and JUnit are frameworks for unit testing of Java applications. Mockito is a well – known and stable library of mocking extensions for JUnit to write tests in Java language.
Testing in React
A few approaches for React Testing. It won’t be focused on the detailed configuration of each tool but it rather show how to embrace tool […]
TDD in practice
Test Driven Development is one of fundamental practices in the Agile methodology.
Deep Equality in C# for Unit Testing
This article presents a short overview of methods of deep comparison between objects in Unit Tests.